MMK Engineering
MMK Engineering is a collaboration between Maciek Kaczmarek and other enthusiastic specialists in different fields (professionals freelancers). The point of contact remains Maciek Kaczmarek at all times. He coordinates and ensures the highest quality through internal control.
Maciek Kaczmarek
After obtaining the title of Master of Science at Silesian University and experiencing some great projects, I decided to move to the Netherlands. Here I continuously deepened my knowledge. First by taking the steel and concrete structural engineer (TGB) courses from Bouwen met Staal and Betonvereniging. Then followed courses from HTI, also steel and concrete structural engineer, but according to Eurocode. Some time after that, I successfully completed the renowned Deltares course Soil Mechanics and Foundation Techniques 1. In between and afterwards I also took various shorter courses. I deepened my knowledge both in the field of steel (including fatigue) and concrete. Through the knowledge and experience gained on beautiful projects I qualified for the Register Constructeur certification. As of 2015 I may use this title.
MMK Engineering specialisations
MMK Engineering is a collaboration between Maciek Kaczmarek and other enthusiastic specialists in various technical fields.